Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Venty McVenterson

Do you ever just have one of those days that turns into one of those weeks? I won't get all into it, but suffice it to say, at the moment I am tired, sore, grumpy, frustrated, and I've been coughing up what feels like both lungs. It's hot, humid, and there's always something to clean. Feeling hot and sweaty from the summer heat makes me feel fatter, for some reason, and that makes me MORE grumpy.

Someone always wants something from me. Someone is always pissed off about something I said or did or didn't do (I'm talking in real life). There's always loud noise, which with my anxieties, very often is something I feel physically. Screeching, shouting, screaming, loud noises make me physically nauseas and dizzy, and trigger skin sensitivity in my hands. Like right now. If I rub my hands together, which are swollen and puffy from the humidity and heat thanks to chatting outside for so long with my neighbors, the skin on my hands is so hypersensitive right now that it actually hurts to caress it. I can type right now only because it's the very tips of my fingers, but mostly my nails doing the typing. My right leg is bouncing nervousness. Thankfully, the kids are calm, and winding down from the day, so we may have an early bed time in store.

I feel like there's just an endless list of things that HAVE to be done and there isn't enough time, so I end up feeling lazy and like procrastinating.

Basically, it's the same as any other week, but for some reason, tonight, it's just draining me mentally. My perspective isn't quite as cheery as usual, and although I'm a firm believer that negative energy is much more draining and tiring than positive energy, that's not how it feels at the moment. What I want most is to go to bed, after turning on the air conditioner in my room, and laying on the cool pillow with my TV remote and the HP book that Tracy lent me. I'm 3/4 through and can't get enough of it. I'm dreading the last page, which means no more HP to look forward to.

The day is near an end, but it honestly feels like it's never-ending.



Anonymous said...


One day at a time...most often one hour or even minute at a time...

I feel ya.

Unknown said...

I have had days exactly like this. When you say:

"I feel like there's just an endless list of things that have to be done and there isn't enough time, so I end up feeling lazy and like procrastinating."

That pretty much describes my daily life. lol