Friday, January 25, 2008

Gratefulness Journal, Friday

On this sunny Friday morning, I am grateful for…

  1. My three beautiful daughters, as always.
  2. My handsome husband.
  3. My mom.
  4. My best friend.
  5. Strong, hot coffee.
  6. Anneliese's sense of humor.
  7. That Grace enjoys preschool.
  8. That Juliana was feeling well enough to go to school yesterday, and there's no sign left of her fever.
  9. That I've got a haircut scheduled for tomorrow.
  10. That the 3 lbs I gained back are gone again.
  11. That taking Claritin nightly means I'm not having any allergic reactions to Luna at all.
  12. The remote having BATTERIES that work.
  13. Sunshine on a Friday.
  14. A working vacuum cleaner.
  15. A working dishwasher, because there's nothing in this world of housekeeping that I hate more than washing dishes by hand.
  16. A working clothes washer and dryer.
  17. Hot showers with pretty smelling body wash.
  18. Spoons.
  19. Paper towels and toilet paper.
  20. The remote, especially when it comes to changing the Wonder Pets quickly.

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