Monday, August 14, 2006

Gratefulness Journal 8/14/06

I'm grateful for:

1. private showers.
2. yogurt.
3. antibiotics.
4. Paxil.
5. Atavan.
6. when the children are well-behaved.
7. quick dinners.
8. vacuums that can get every last piece of a broken glass.
9. iced water.
10. pickles.
11. good dreams.
12. occasional self-indulgence.
13. my in-laws.
14. my nephew, who just turned 14 yrs old.
15. my nieces, who are all just too sweet for words.
16. my husband.
17. my daughters, except when they're acting up at Walmart and I'm trying to get Anneliese to smile for the photographer.
18. when the girls are all happy and in a good mood at the same time.
19. chocolate.
20. cheesecake.
21. Vanos for my foot.
22. losing 12 lbs.
23. a loving relationship with my husband.
24. my friends.
25. breath mints.

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